new-york-city-herpes-rateIt’s becoming common knowledge: The Big Apple has more than its fair share of genital herpes.

Compared to a national 17% or so, New York City has about 28% infection rate and although there are many different hypotheses about *why*, the fact remains and the ‘lucky’ 28% must make the best of things!

Check out this interesting article at The HelperNewsletter

Here is another good article about the genital herpes rate in NYC from NYMag:

Well, thankfully, there is an easy way to get back out there and start dating again after a genital herpes diagnosis: find other awesome NYC singles with exactly the same problem.

YES, look at the numbers – there are thousands upon thousands of people in exactly your situation!

Click the big pink button and get started with the next chapter in YOUR life – the chapter where you find the love of your life (you can write the ‘happily ever after’ chapters yourselves)!
